
A Different Past V: The Lost History!

The most important man in the history of the world was Jesus Christ; the more we know about him the more mysteries arise.
Few Christians know about the existance of two religions considered heathen, very alike the christian religion that were originated from the same god: Mitrias; he appeared in Persia maybe 2000 B.C.
Mitras was the son of God in earth, he had a virgin mother; the followers of this faith were baptized and belief in the Holy Trinity, which was very similar to the faith of Christ. Which theory do you think is the correct one?
These two religions worshipers of Mitras started to expand  to China, India, Mesopotamia one thousand years ago; until was adopted by the Roman soldiers in Asia. ‘The Unconquered Sun’ turned into their god.
When the Spaniards arrived to America they found a Christian religion concept in the Maya and Inca religion. Would it be that the Mitras religion arrived to America before the Spaniards? or would it have turned into the inca and maya religion? or they really practice the Christian religion? I invited you to sort out this mystery.   
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