According with Rodolfo Cerron Palomino, from whom I am submitting a brief about his article: he support that the aymara was fundamental for the Andes world. In the mountain range center of the Andes, the quechua is the first language but, when we make an analysis we realize that the name of the places are coming from the aymara language, Why is it important? because when a language dissapears the only thing that remain are place names. Is not easy going around invented them. We arrive to some place and we learn the name of it. They have a message telling us about the people, the context and the place. This is the problem; everybody start to study "place names" but with out any linguistic base. The Incas spoke Aymara? the oficial language of the Incas was the Aymara. This is something that never is going to be accepted from the people from Cuzco.
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We are going to start with Qosco. The people do everything to try to explain it through the Quechua. It is not possible, it is an Aymara word. It is very proven. In the vocabulary Aymara the meaning remain and means owl. Why? the answer come from the chroniclers of the XVI century: one of the Ayar brothers was converted in a owl and flew to Coricancha to take possession, after it the owl was petrified. Since this day the place is called: "the Stone where the owl landed".
But the Incas spoke Quechua. They took this language. For practical reasons they adopted it as an official language: the Quechua was spoken in all the Chinchaysuyo. But up to the time of Tupac inca Yupanki was spoken Aymara.
A century later, the engineer Ivan Guzman de Rojas, discovered the trivalence of the Aymara language with this knowledge he could invent the 'Atamiri' it is a universal translator that use the Aymara as a software to perform the translation from one language to another. The trivalence give to the Aymara language the ability to act as a larger container where other languages could fix; but no other language is sufficiently broad and elastic enough to accomodatethe Aymara. The work of Guzman de Rojas seems to give support to the theories of Ludovico Bertonio and Emeterio Villamil de Rada. In 2.007 Rojas in his book: Futurology and Aymara logic '[10] the engineer wrote' Aymara suffixes helped me to formalize a three-valued logic of truth 'it drove me to an algebra which is very useful to calculate through the t computer to calculate inferential scheme, It means, if I have a set of premises, and if I formulated it in modals terms, I can reach a result due algebraic operations.
I want to make a paragraph here and work over the quipus, those were documents written by the Incas made for knotted strings, now exists only 1,000 of them because the Spanish conquistadors destroyed all they could for religious reasons. To decipher these codes means access to the Inca history. The existing quipus are mainly in museums (USA, Germany and Peru) and some in their native places. The largest collection is housed in a Berlin museum in Germany with 298 quipus, the second one is in Munich. In 1997 were discovered 32 quipus (with an elaborate pattern coding) and some Spanish documents that were wrote 400 years ago, Professor Urton believes that he could found the 'Rosetta Stone' of the quipus, it could help to break the code that they are hiding.
The history of the quipus goes back to pre-Hispanic times, the ancient quipu discovered was from the city of Caral and dates back 5,000 years. In an article published in The New York Times on the 27 of November of 2005 about the findings of Dr. Gary Urton of Harvard University about quipus, he says: 'the quipus are unlike to anything previously discovered, they do not store information in graphic signs that represent words but use a tri-dimensional binary code similar to the language of computers today. If it is true this would imply not only that the Incas were the inventors of the binary code, but would be the first people to have developed the first three-dimensional written language'.
A civilization so advance as the anunnaki, who comes from the planet Nibiru, must have a very developed language. I am going to proof that the aymara language is the anunnaki language.
The evidence that reinforce that Tiahuanaco was a region of great interest is supported by: the Disclosure Project which described an aerial accident where the nave that crushed were using mercury, in the same way that the Vimana ancient flying machine of the ancient Indian and the Nazi Bell, who was the top greatest nazi invent of the Second World;the possibility of the presence of Martin Bormann,the most important war criminal who escaped from the allies, in Peru in the decade of the fifties;is interesting to highlight the fact that Edmond Kiss an Ahnenerbe official who drove an expedition to Tiahuanaco was choose as head of the segurity guard of the 'Wolf's lair', main commanad post of Hither during the war.Is interesting to see how the Nazi Bell and the Vimana Ancient Flying Machine were very similars.
The evidence that reinforce that Tiahuanaco was a region of great interest is supported by: the Disclosure Project which described an aerial accident where the nave that crushed were using mercury, in the same way that the Vimana ancient flying machine of the ancient Indian and the Nazi Bell, who was the top greatest nazi invent of the Second World;the possibility of the presence of Martin Bormann,the most important war criminal who escaped from the allies, in Peru in the decade of the fifties;is interesting to highlight the fact that Edmond Kiss an Ahnenerbe official who drove an expedition to Tiahuanaco was choose as head of the segurity guard of the 'Wolf's lair', main commanad post of Hither during the war.Is interesting to see how the Nazi Bell and the Vimana Ancient Flying Machine were very similars.
In today's computers will need something like 10,000 electrons flowing to play a bit of information. The '0 'and '1' can be understand as true and false. I want to emphasize that when we quote the Aymara lanuage and the culture that we assume that spoke this language was the 'Tiahuanaco' culture.
We are in a new age quantum physics? or maybe we are rediscovering a lost technology? could be that specifically what we are doing is to realize that in ancient times existed quantum physics?
The trivalent and tetravalent systems pose greater computing power at lower cost. To use these systems we need to develop a quantum computing. And that is the amazing thing of all this because to know very well it is necessarry to get a very advance knowledge of quantum physics, if we search into the aymara language and the Tiahuanaco culture that is what we are going to find. The miniaturization of hardware components got nano circuits. In those soon the classical physics laws will be no longer valid.We are going inside the domain of the quantum physics. The applicability of quantum physics depends on the possibility of developing a quantum computer.
The power of the quantum computers will be huge, for example, to determine if a number could be a prime number now takes to a computer thousands to millions of years, to find the out put to a quantum computer would take only a few seconds. A quantum computer would take us to what was shortly time ago science fiction : teletrasportation. In adition will be very useful in crytography and quantum analysis. The unit of quantum computing is the quantum bit (qubit).
In quantum mechanics the state of a particle is determined by assigning a probability, we can not talk about a '1' or '0' clearly determined (which is currently the case), we speak here of the quantum superposition that means the superposition at the same time of the two states to the same record. This apparent ambiguity has an advantage that makes a quantum computing a revolutionary development: parallel real processing the 'Mecca' of the computing. The step in the development of technology has gone from a manual process, mechanical, electronic, digital and is now about to take another leap forward "the quantum". We don't yet reache the quantum computer. From now I will try to go in chronological order to see how many things come together and show that we are not only in duty to recognize a culture that was much great and much older than officially accepted but we opens the door to have the opportunity to rediscover a technology that could make us to go further in the scientific field.
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The sophistication of everything related to the Aymara language led me to begin to ask me a crucial question about What would civilization as sophisticated language speaking? The answer was Tiahuanaco.
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At this point I want to emphasize that this statement is not considering the develop of the ATAMIRI and the SOLUTION F6. In his book "Signs of the Incas Quipus' [14] published by the Press University of Texas (Dr. Urton said that he got the identification of the elements of the quipu). The knots appear to have been organized to encode sequences of binary number '1 'or '0' coding computer programs. The information of the Incas, says Dr. Urton, seems to have been coded in seven-bit sequences. Strictly a 7-bit code would give us 128 possible permutations, but the Incas use up to 24 possible colors during the construction of the quipus, because of that the real permutations possible for a quipu were 1,536.
The Incas thanks to this were able to get a complete set of subject-object-verb. According to Dr. Urton quipus are able to describe the sounds into them. For comparison the Sumerians worked with less than 1,500 cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphics with less than 800. Currently the National Science Foundation finances a detailed khipu database, this will be prepared by Dr. Carrie Brezine, a software developer, mathematician and textile specialist.
I want to emphasize something, all that have been achieved is done under our current digital technology, the scientists use algebra and geometry to create software that have been deduced from the Aymaras, the Tiahuanacos and the Incas; but, what could happen to all that have been discovered if we applied it to a quantum computer?
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